Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Prevent premature skin aging

I am pretty tanned, even in the Winter.  I can't seem to lighten up my skin tone.  I did research online, and some people swear that by using water leftover from rinsing rice to cleanse the face daily, it will lighten up the skin tone.  I definitely need to try that.

Anyways, it seems that the rice water has other benefits:
"Many women in China use rice water to cleanse their faces, because rice has antioxidants that help prevent premature skin aging," says esthetician Christine Chin, owner of Christine Chin Spa in NYC. Give it a try: Soak Chinese rice (find it at Chinese grocery stores) in bottled water for 20 minutes. Strain the rice out of the water, then dunk a washcloth in it. Apply the damp cloth to your face for 10 minutes. Do this once a week.


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