Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Lash curler spoons?

On one special occasion, I had to rush out to buy a lash curler at the local CVS.  It cost me $3+.  So expensive!  At that time, I wish I had time to rush to the local 99 Cent Only store-- well, that is IF they had them in stock.

Well whaddya know-- I could have just used a spoon instead of wasting my $3+!  Read on:

Mexican women use teaspoons as lash curlers, says Brenda Legorreta, former editor of Women's Health Mexico. Here's how: In one hand, hold the spoon horizontally so it's cupping your lid. The edge should touch the roots of your upper lash line. Using the thumb of the same hand, gently press your eyelashes upward against the back of the spoon. Slowly push the edge up toward the ends of your lashes. Repeat until you've achieved the degree of curl you want, then apply mascara.

Source:  Women's Health

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